Actually this is something I´m asking my self right now. My baby is now 13 months old and the idea of making our family bigger is very tempting. I´ve been gathering lost of info about it. I´ll share it with you. You may know what to expect but still...
For many people the decision to have another child is more about when than whether. And plenty wonder if there's an ideal spacing between children - for the adults and the kids. The big question: Is it best to have children one right after the other so they can play together and you can get all your child rearing done in the shortest time, or is it better to put some distance between the kids?
Here's a rundown of the studies on ideal baby spacing:
Waiting 18 to 23 months after the birth of your last child before conceiving another seems best for the new baby's health, according to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. What should I consider when making the decision?
How old is your other child (or children)?
There is no right or wrong answer here, though it seems clear from the research above that it wouldn't be wise to get pregnant if you're the parent of a child under 6 months. People go both ways on this question. Some think the older your other children, the better. That way they've had plenty of time with you and they can understand and even talk about the effect another child might have. Others think spacing your children close together ensures they'll be playmates for life, and that you won't be spending the rest of your life raising small children.
How will another child change your lifestyle?
Are you settled into a nice routine with your other children? Do you have a good childcare system set up?
Is everyone else finally sleeping through the night? Perhaps you've gotten to the point where you and your
partner have time for each other again. Maybe you've gone back to work and you love it. These are all important considerations when you're thinking of having another. Remember, a newborn will take over your life. Consider whether you have the time and energy an infant requires, and whether your children are ready to deal with the reality of a baby in the house. You may end up deciding that one is enough.
Unfortunately age is a factor, especially for women. If you're 38 years old and you want two more, you don't have the luxury of spacing them three years apart. But if you're under 30, and you don't have any health problems that could make conception difficult, you can be a little more flexible with your timing. There are no hard and fast cutoffs in terms of age. Many women can still get pregnant in their early 40s, but fertility rates do drop dramatically once you reach 35.
Physical Health
Everyone needs to have their health checked out preconceptionally. This is true, even if you’ve had a baby before. Things to be sure to address would be any chronic conditions you’ve had like thyroid issues, high blood pressure or diabetes and be sure that they are in control before attempting to conceive. Also be sure to discuss other health concerns.
Are you economically ready to handle a new baby and everything that comes with it? From maternity leave to day care, it can get expensive. Hopefully you can save some money by reusing items from your first including baby clothes, maternity clothes and big ticket items. You may also look at the benefits of staying home on your finances as child care for more than one can add up.
Do you and your partner agree?
Sometimes one partner is ready and the other isn't. It's hard to be in sync all the time. This is a tough one to settle, but the first step is to start talking about your differences. Sit down together and discuss your points of view. You may not solve anything at that moment, but you'll have a better understanding of the issues. It might help to talk to others in this situation, too.
What does your heart say?
Sure, you can sit down with a big legal pad and run through the pluses and minuses of having another child. But this is one of those decisions that's led by the heart, so go ahead and follow yours. If you want another baby, and your partner (if you have one) wants one too, there may be no time like the present. •Evaluate your practitioner from your last birth.
If you had a positive birth experience and what to have a similar experience you will probably not need to do much research or changing. However, if you’d like something different, you may need to find a new doctor or midwife or switch hospitals or other birth settings.
Friday, April 30, 2010
REVIEW_Quinny Buzz 4
Nice but big and heavy
First days without my baby I though it was great- it was big enought, the cot was used for sleeping during the day on the lower floor and it was steady and nice. I took me some time to learn how to close the shade, but when we learned - was fine.
Once we got our baby home and I started to really use it I realised it was way too heavy for me. It has very poor storage and it is also almost on the ground, so if you are picky like me you will not want your baby stuff rolling almost against the floor...The rain cover is uncomfotable, it a separate piece and there is no room to even store it on buggie when it's not raining.
- too big for buses ,for some european elevators and some shops.
-going on stair case is aweful! dont ask anyone to help you - if you do - they will hate you eventually!
-the footmuf is great
-The shade is almost nothing, buy some sun glasses for your baby.
-handle really great - you can fit it to your hight.
- great and easy to use with the maxicossi.
-if you like to walk from place to place- thank to the big wheels the baby doesn't feel all the bumps on the way, but if you have a car - it's too big for the trunk - you will have to do your shopping some other time.
First days without my baby I though it was great- it was big enought, the cot was used for sleeping during the day on the lower floor and it was steady and nice. I took me some time to learn how to close the shade, but when we learned - was fine.
Once we got our baby home and I started to really use it I realised it was way too heavy for me. It has very poor storage and it is also almost on the ground, so if you are picky like me you will not want your baby stuff rolling almost against the floor...The rain cover is uncomfotable, it a separate piece and there is no room to even store it on buggie when it's not raining.
- too big for buses ,for some european elevators and some shops.
-going on stair case is aweful! dont ask anyone to help you - if you do - they will hate you eventually!
-the footmuf is great
-The shade is almost nothing, buy some sun glasses for your baby.
-handle really great - you can fit it to your hight.
- great and easy to use with the maxicossi.
-if you like to walk from place to place- thank to the big wheels the baby doesn't feel all the bumps on the way, but if you have a car - it's too big for the trunk - you will have to do your shopping some other time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Obstetric Ultrasound is the use of ultrasound scans in pregnancy.
Currently used equipments are known as real-time scanners, with which a continous picture of the moving fetus can be depicted on a monitor screen. Very high frequency sound waves of are generally used for this purpose.
They are emitted from a transducer which is placed in contact with the maternal abdomen, and is moved to "look at" any particular content of the uterus.
The information obtained from different reflections are recomposed back into a picture on the monitor screen (a sonogram, or ultrasonogram). Movements such as fetal heart beat and malformations in the feus can be assessed and measurements can be made accurately on the images displayed on the screen. Such measurements form the cornerstone in the assessment of gestational age, size and growth in the fetus.
A full bladder is often required for the procedure when abdominal scanning is done in early pregnency. There may be some discomfort from pressure on the full bladder. The conducting gel is non-staining but may feel slightly cold and wet. There is no sensation at all from the ultrasound waves.
Main uses of ultrasounds during pregnancy
1. Diagnosis and confirmation of early pregnancy.
The gestational sac can be visualized as early as four and a half weeks of gestation and the yolk sac at about five weeks. The embryo can be observed and measured by about five and a half weeks. Ultrasound can also very importantly confirm the site of the pregnancy is within the cavity of the uterus.
2. Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy.
The viability of the fetus can be documented in the presence of vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy. A visible heartbeat could be seen and detectable by pulsed doppler ultrasound by about 6 weeks and is usually clearly depictable by 7 weeks. If this is observed, the probability of a continued pregnancy is better than 95 percent. Missed abortions and blighted ovum will usually give typical pictures of a deformed gestational sac and absence of fetal poles or heart beat.
3. Determination of gestational age and assessment of fetal size.
Fetal body measurements reflect the gestational age of the fetus. This is particularly true in early gestation. In patients with uncertain last menstrual periods, such measurements must be made as early as possible in pregnancy to arrive at a correct dating for the patient. See FAQ. In the latter part of pregnancy measuring body parameters will allow assessment of the size and growth of the fetus and will greatly assist in the diagnosis and management of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).
The following measurements are usually made:
a) The Crown-rump length (CRL)
This measurement can be made between 7 to 13 weeks and gives very accurate estimation of the gestational age. Dating with the CRL can be within 3-4 days of the last menstrual period. (Table) An important point to note is that when the due date has been set by an accurately measured CRL, it should not be changed by a subsequent scan. For example, if another scan done 6 or 8 weeks later says that one should have a new due date which is further away, one should not normally change the date but should rather interpret the finding as that the baby is not growing at the expected rate.
b) The Biparietal diameter (BPD)
The diameter between the 2 sides of the head. This is measured after 13 weeks. It increases from about 2.4 cm at 13 weeks to about 9.5 cm at term. Different babies of the same weight can have different head size, therefore dating in the later part of pregnancy is generally considered unreliable.
c) The Femur length (FL)
Measures the longest bone in the body and reflects the longitudinal growth of the fetus. Its usefulness is similar to the BPD. It increases from about 1.5 cm at 14 weeks to about 7.8 cm at term. (Chart and further comments) Similar to the BPD, dating using the FL should be done as early as is feasible.
d) The Abdominal circumference (AC)
The single most important measurement to make in late pregnancy. It reflects more of fetal size and weight rather than age. Serial measurements are useful in monitoring growth of the fetus. (Chart and further comments) AC measurements should not be used for dating a fetus.
Other important measurements are discussed here.
The weight of the fetus at any gestation can also be estimated with great accuracy using polynomial equations containing the BPD, FL, and AC. computer softwares and lookup charts are readily available. For example, a BPD of 9.0 cm and an AC of 30.0 cm will give a weight estimate of 2.85 kg. (comments)
My own experience: Follow carefully your baby´s weigh, I ended up with an induced labor because of this. The baby wasn´t growing any more in my belly and it was better for him to be outside.
Currently used equipments are known as real-time scanners, with which a continous picture of the moving fetus can be depicted on a monitor screen. Very high frequency sound waves of are generally used for this purpose.
They are emitted from a transducer which is placed in contact with the maternal abdomen, and is moved to "look at" any particular content of the uterus.
The information obtained from different reflections are recomposed back into a picture on the monitor screen (a sonogram, or ultrasonogram). Movements such as fetal heart beat and malformations in the feus can be assessed and measurements can be made accurately on the images displayed on the screen. Such measurements form the cornerstone in the assessment of gestational age, size and growth in the fetus.
A full bladder is often required for the procedure when abdominal scanning is done in early pregnency. There may be some discomfort from pressure on the full bladder. The conducting gel is non-staining but may feel slightly cold and wet. There is no sensation at all from the ultrasound waves.
Main uses of ultrasounds during pregnancy
1. Diagnosis and confirmation of early pregnancy.
The gestational sac can be visualized as early as four and a half weeks of gestation and the yolk sac at about five weeks. The embryo can be observed and measured by about five and a half weeks. Ultrasound can also very importantly confirm the site of the pregnancy is within the cavity of the uterus.
2. Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy.
The viability of the fetus can be documented in the presence of vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy. A visible heartbeat could be seen and detectable by pulsed doppler ultrasound by about 6 weeks and is usually clearly depictable by 7 weeks. If this is observed, the probability of a continued pregnancy is better than 95 percent. Missed abortions and blighted ovum will usually give typical pictures of a deformed gestational sac and absence of fetal poles or heart beat.
3. Determination of gestational age and assessment of fetal size.
Fetal body measurements reflect the gestational age of the fetus. This is particularly true in early gestation. In patients with uncertain last menstrual periods, such measurements must be made as early as possible in pregnancy to arrive at a correct dating for the patient. See FAQ. In the latter part of pregnancy measuring body parameters will allow assessment of the size and growth of the fetus and will greatly assist in the diagnosis and management of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR).
The following measurements are usually made:
a) The Crown-rump length (CRL)
This measurement can be made between 7 to 13 weeks and gives very accurate estimation of the gestational age. Dating with the CRL can be within 3-4 days of the last menstrual period. (Table) An important point to note is that when the due date has been set by an accurately measured CRL, it should not be changed by a subsequent scan. For example, if another scan done 6 or 8 weeks later says that one should have a new due date which is further away, one should not normally change the date but should rather interpret the finding as that the baby is not growing at the expected rate.
b) The Biparietal diameter (BPD)
The diameter between the 2 sides of the head. This is measured after 13 weeks. It increases from about 2.4 cm at 13 weeks to about 9.5 cm at term. Different babies of the same weight can have different head size, therefore dating in the later part of pregnancy is generally considered unreliable.
c) The Femur length (FL)
Measures the longest bone in the body and reflects the longitudinal growth of the fetus. Its usefulness is similar to the BPD. It increases from about 1.5 cm at 14 weeks to about 7.8 cm at term. (Chart and further comments) Similar to the BPD, dating using the FL should be done as early as is feasible.
d) The Abdominal circumference (AC)
The single most important measurement to make in late pregnancy. It reflects more of fetal size and weight rather than age. Serial measurements are useful in monitoring growth of the fetus. (Chart and further comments) AC measurements should not be used for dating a fetus.
Other important measurements are discussed here.
The weight of the fetus at any gestation can also be estimated with great accuracy using polynomial equations containing the BPD, FL, and AC. computer softwares and lookup charts are readily available. For example, a BPD of 9.0 cm and an AC of 30.0 cm will give a weight estimate of 2.85 kg. (comments)
My own experience: Follow carefully your baby´s weigh, I ended up with an induced labor because of this. The baby wasn´t growing any more in my belly and it was better for him to be outside.
To all of you seeking for some help that will let your back rest for a while this is really perfect!
My baby was very demanding and when we sat him in this bouncer he had a great time and also gave my husband and me some time to be able to have a normal meal!
It´s also of great help when you are on your own with your baby giving you those safe 60 secs to pee!!! Perhaps I was overprotective but hearing him laugh let me relax a bit.
My baby was very demanding and when we sat him in this bouncer he had a great time and also gave my husband and me some time to be able to have a normal meal!
It´s also of great help when you are on your own with your baby giving you those safe 60 secs to pee!!! Perhaps I was overprotective but hearing him laugh let me relax a bit.
It has many sounds and vibrations that will stimulate and also relax your baby!!!
You will find other bouncer and a better description here:
REVIEW_The Graco Baby Einstein Discover & Play
The Graco Baby Einstein Discover & Play is an entertainer that will stimulate and entertain your baby as it introduces them to colour, shapes, textures, animals, nature, language and music through a unique and engaging collection of toys and real-world imagery.
Babies love the gentle rocking motion and the swivel seat that allows them access to all the toys.
When the combined talents of Disney and Graco put their heads together to design a range of Baby Einstein products you know that what they come up with is going to be pretty special. The philosophy behind Baby Einstein is the enrichment of the play experience for babies and toddlers and parents – encouraging mental and creative stimulation through music, art, language, science and nature. Of course we're not promising little geniuses but we can help ensure that playtime and education go hand in hand?.
Activity centre to entertain and stimulate your baby
9 interactive toys
Gentle, rocking motion
3 position height adjustment
Seat turns 360 degrees
Washable seat
Stand provided to allow stationary use
Weight: 5.2kg
This item is suitable for a child who can sit anassisted, is unable to walker, weighs less than 13.6kg and is less than 81cm tall.
And of course in a Healthy way.
My baby is already 13 months old and one week ago I said it is enough. No more cheap excuses for me. You can find millions of reasons for having some extra weight after becoming a mom but the reality is that (unless you have some disease) you are eating too much!
A week ago I started my own personal challenge and I must say I really glad to find out that today I lost 1 kg, and all I did is follow some basic rules we all know, a traditional mediterrenean diet as a guide is all!
I will keep a weekly post to let you know how I´m doing and of course you can also join me. Really the more the better and we´ll help each other stay in track.
Here´s my own plan:
2 toast with cheese and jam- Cofee or tea with sweetener
Midmornin & midafternoon snak
2 pieces of fruit (any except bananas which you can only have once a week)
Grilled steak/ grilled or steamed chicken /white fish and a salad (lettuce, tomatoes just a few carrots , cause they have lots of sugar, brocoli, spinach, etc)
A low fat yogurt as a desert
White fish and steamed vegetables.
Again a low fat yogurt as a desert.
The important trick is to drink between 1 to 2 litres of water.
Join me!!
My baby is already 13 months old and one week ago I said it is enough. No more cheap excuses for me. You can find millions of reasons for having some extra weight after becoming a mom but the reality is that (unless you have some disease) you are eating too much!
A week ago I started my own personal challenge and I must say I really glad to find out that today I lost 1 kg, and all I did is follow some basic rules we all know, a traditional mediterrenean diet as a guide is all!
I will keep a weekly post to let you know how I´m doing and of course you can also join me. Really the more the better and we´ll help each other stay in track.
Here´s my own plan:
2 toast with cheese and jam- Cofee or tea with sweetener
Midmornin & midafternoon snak
2 pieces of fruit (any except bananas which you can only have once a week)
Grilled steak/ grilled or steamed chicken /white fish and a salad (lettuce, tomatoes just a few carrots , cause they have lots of sugar, brocoli, spinach, etc)
A low fat yogurt as a desert
White fish and steamed vegetables.
Again a low fat yogurt as a desert.
The important trick is to drink between 1 to 2 litres of water.
Join me!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My second week and still going on. Lost some more weight but of course its harder than wining it!!!
I´m keeping my very healthy diet and added some special meals that I will share in my next post.
Keeping up the good work!!!
I´m keeping my very healthy diet and added some special meals that I will share in my next post.
Keeping up the good work!!!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
3d/4d ultrasound sesion
Even if it is propaganda it still is true its amazing what you will feel when you see your baby for the first time.
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